Best Ways to Eliminate the Stress of Planning Your Big Day

Whether you’re in the midst of wedding planning or are just about to start, congratulations on your upcoming big day! The next adventure of your life is about to begin, and that’s an exciting position to be in. With that being said, you might find yourself getting slightly overwhelmed when it comes to the wedding planning itself. Don’t worry—you’re not alone. Many people find themselves tense as they try to plan the perfect day. Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to eliminate the stress of planning your big day!

It’s Not All About the Wedding

While it might seem like it, your life does not revolve around this wedding. Try to live your life as normally as possible outside of the planning process. That includes keeping standing dinner-dates with your significant other or friends. If you come to a point where everything feels overwhelming, try to ground yourself in the routine and the mundane. Planning the perfect wedding might be important, but so is your sanity.

Photo credit - Ben Yew Photography 

Get Plenty of Sleep

When you’re planning a big event, especially as the big day draws near, it can be tempting to stay up late and wake up early. Resist this urge. While it’s true that you could spend three more hours at night finalizing the seating arrangement, it’s equally true that those hours would be much better spent in bed. When you lose too much sleep, you become more susceptible to anxiety. And given everything that’s going on in your life, do you really need that added risk? Don’t skip your sleep, even if it seems like a good idea at the time.

Destination Wedding Planner

Photo credit - Hayley Savage Photography

Remove External Stressors

While life has a way of throwing curveballs our way, some of the hits are easy to predict. What are your main stressors in life beyond wedding planning? Many people find that broken appliances, for example, quickly raise their blood pressure. Give your home a good once-over and delegate any home repairs so that they aren’t unexpected and on your plate. The concern over the added expense can be a bit too much to bear sometimes.

French Wedding Planner

Photo credit - Rebecca Yale Photography 

Divide and Conquer

You’re not marrying yourself, so where is your partner while you’re planning? It seems common for one partner to shoulder more of the planning and preparations than the other, but it’s a better idea to split the work. It might be best to each focus on your own family. Allow your significant other to deal with their family’s concerns and objections while you handle yours, and you can both come together to find solutions. This helps you avoid some of the more common family squabbles that seem to pop up when weddings are involved.
Destination Wedding Planner

Photo credit - Christy D Swanberg Photography 

Are you ready to plan the wedding of your dreams? Don’t worry! Sit down, breathe, and approach the situation calmly. It might seem overwhelming, but this is nothing you can’t get through. Focus on what really matters and create a day that you and your significant other will love.
By Emma Cook
A recent college graduate, and freelance writer taking the time to explore her interests and passions.

Written by Bertie

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