How To Stay Calm During Wedding Preparations

Planning a wedding can be an overwhelming task and can make any bride-to-be crazy sometimes. It’s normal to be frazzled and stressed by all the deadlines, details, budgets, and more.

Luckily, you can do several things that can help you stay centered and calm while doing your wedding planning, so you can enjoy the moment of planning your perfect day and being engaged.

Use CBD Gummies

CBD can be used to help you unwind and relax – that’s what CBD is designed to do! CBD has the benefits of anti-anxiety medication without side effects. It works by activating different sections of your brains so that your brain isn’t going into hyperdrive when you’ve encountered a stressful situation.
If you’re struggling to stay calm during your wedding preparations, consider using CBD gummies. They are a delicious little treat that helps you feel relaxed even during the most frustrating tasks (i.e., dealing with vendors).

Get Moving

If you’re trying to achieve a wedding fitness goal, then this is a great tip for you! Getting exercise of any kind can trigger a relaxation response that can help a mind or body in need. Moving also affects your breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and an overall sense of well-being, while also releasing serotonin – which is much needed while planning a wedding.


Observing and controlling your breathing is a powerful relaxation device, plus it’s known to lessen your anxiety and lower your blood pressure. There are many methods that you can practice to help you calm down through your breathing, but our favorites are called “equal breathing.” How do you do this?
To start, take a deep breath in for around four seconds, and then exhale for the same amount of time. The point of this exercise is to have equal time inhaling and exhaling while you focus on your breathing. Start with four seconds and the challenge yourself later with more time.

Managing Your Time

There are a place and time for everything, and with only 24 hours in a single day, it can be pretty stressful trying to fit everything in. It’s so easy to become overwhelmed and stressed out when you try to fit too many things into a single day. Therefore, time management is important.
By figuring out prearranged time slots devoted to your wedding planning and doing your best to stick to it, you can stay in charge of your tasks and calendar. When you’re in control, the more likely you’ll feel less stressed and more relaxed.


An Irish proverb says, “A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.” Isn’t that so true? This is especially important for new brides that are working a full-time job and full-time wedding planning because long nights can start to take their toll on your body. Be sure that you’re getting enough sleep (roughly seven to eight hours) every night so that your body can function properly so that you’re bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the day’s tasks ahead of you.

Eat Healthily

Stress eating is a real problem, and while it might be tough to stop it, we’ve got some tips that might help you control it. Many people find relaxation and comfort in food during times of high stress and tension. However, the moment of relaxation can come back to bite you, especially if you’re indulging in ice cream and other junk food.
Besides from getting in the way of your nutritional needs and fitness goals, eating unhealthy foods for long periods can increase your feelings of anger, make it harder to focus on the task at hand, and decrease your energy levels. No bride-to-be wants that!

Establish Boundaries

Some brides can get sucked into wedding planning stress from the very beginning and become overwhelmed by the expectations and pressure around them. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to please everyone or manage how everyone is feeling. Instead of focusing on others, be selfish, and focus on managing yourself and being true to yourself. It’s your wedding – not your sister’s, friend’s, or moms.

Do Something Not Related to the Wedding

When you feel the tension and stress building up, take a time-out. Go to a movie, go for a walk or run, get a massage, go for a manicure or pedicure, meditate, listen to music, or do whatever makes you the happiest. You need to take time to love, cherish, and honor yourself amid the craziness that is wedding planning!

Stay Present

Don’t agonize over details or drama that might occur when you’re planning your wedding; this will only make it so you don’t remember anything, or you only remember a blur. Trust that your wedding will happen as it’s meant to be and in a way that will perfect for you. If you stay in the present, you can look into the eyes of your partner and remember the power of that one moment.

Savor the Small Stuff

From the day that you get engaged to the moment when you say, “I do,” make every moment count. Savor the little things that you do to make your wedding special. Focus on the fact that your wedding day is a special day, and not just a party that needs to be planned – it’s a marriage that you’re preparing for. All of the little things along the way in the planning process are helping you prepare for the next big chapter in your life.

Stay Close to Your Partner

By keeping your partner in the loop, you can cut your stress in half. You might not see eye to eye on everything, but if you stay united and back each other up when it comes down to making decisions, things will be less stressful in the end. When well-meaning-but-meddling relatives try to sway your decision, stay strong, and hold on tight to each other!
This article is originally published at SundayScaries.

Written by Bertie

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